
Add and subtract using strategies and algorithms

Page history last edited by jwallaker 12 years, 3 months ago

3.NBT.2 - Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or relationship between addition and subtraction


LearnZillion Resources:

(seven sequenced lessons with practice)

     1. Go to learnzillion.

     2. Enter the quick code in any search field.

     3. Enjoy watching the video.


lesson 1.

     Solve for unknown amounts by using addition and subtraction fact families. quick code LZ1579

additional lesson:

     Solve for unknowns: using commutative property. quick code LZ6

lesson 2.

     Solve addition problems by using complements of ten and their multiples. quick code: LZ1580

lesson 3.

     Solve addition word problems by identifying key phrases. quick code: LZ1581

lesson 4.

     Solve subtraction word problems by identifying key phrases. quick code: LZ1582

lesson 5.

     Solve subtraction problems by finding the distance between two numbers on a number line. quick code: LZ1583

lesson 6.

     Partial Sums method means breaking numbers down into expanded form and adding like values.  quick code:  LZ1584

lesson 7.

     Commutative Property: Numbers can be added in any order to get the same sum. quick code:  LZ1585

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