Math in Action 2014
You are welcome to use these materials for use in your classroom.
Contact Jillayne Wallaker
Common Core State Standards Initiative
A1 (PreK-2) Student Coaches - Peer and Cross Grade: Utilizing student coaches within their own classroom, peer classrooms, or prior grade classrooms to assist with independently generated content practice.
ShowMe: cards/rings (numbers 1-10)
ShowMe: Comparing Numbers, Symbol Use (use cards or dice to generate the digits of each number)
ShowMe: Design your own problems to practice regr. 1 ten as 10 ones
ShowMe: 10/100 more/less
B3 (3-5) Student Coaches - Peer and Cross Grade: Utilizing student coaches within their own classroom, peer classrooms, or prior grade classrooms to assist with independently generated content practice in geometry, measurement, and data.
ShowMe: Rounding to the nearest ten (use playing cards to generate the numbers) ShowMe: Designing Elapsed Time Problems
CCSS Instructional Practice Guide
CCSS Where to Focus Kindergarten Mathematics
CCSS Where to Focus Grade 1 Mathematics
CCSS Where to Focus Grade 2 Mathematics
CCSS Where to Focus Grade 3 Mathematics
CCSS Where to Focus Grade 4 Mathematics
CCSS Where to Focus Grade 5 Mathematics
Math resources for developing Math Tasks and Assessments
website: Tasks, Units & Student Work (K-2) NYC Dept of Ed
Dan Meyer's Three-Act Math Tasks
Yummy Math (3rd +)
Math Pickle
Math Examples for Depth of Knowledge levels
Mrs. Witters' Zebra Room site
You are welcome to make copies of these pages for use in your classroom.
Jillayne Prince Wallaker 2012
The following handouts may be copied for classroom use.
For kindergarten and first grade:
*Family Math Activities for K-1: one page handout with mutiple activities Family Math Activities for K-1.doc
*Family Math Activities - Spanish version FamilyMathActivities_Spanish.doc
*Parent activity directions for K-1: suggested ideas for using number rings, place value mat, beans or small objects, playing cards Parent Activity Directions for K-1.doc
When working with kindergarten and first graders, remember:
DO it,
SEE it,
SAY it,
HEAR it,
REPEAT it . . . over. . . and over. . . and over again !
*base 10 cut-outs - 3 sets per page base 10 cut-outs.doc
*tens-ones mat with 10 frame Tens-Ones mat with 10 frame.doc
*mat - Spanish version PV chart, Spanish.pdf
For second and third grade:
*Playing card and dice activities - two pages to run back to back, cut in half for two students (one one copy for a home and one for a school packet) Playing Card and Dice Activities.doc
*Alternate form of general activities - two pages Family Math Activities earlier version.doc
*Directions for the game Shut the Box - one sheet, cut in two Shut the Box - directions for copying.doc
Link to the State of Michigan page with the crosswalks and Common Core document (very bottom of the page)
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