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Mrs. Wallaker's Math Site

 Mrs. Wallaker's Math Site (Weebly - NEW) 


Delta Math Login Page                                                                                                      Student SRC

Harcourt ereaders (password needed)

Michigan Electronic Library (FREE online resources)

World Book including: Early World of Learning, Kids, Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos


Math Links

Teacher access to Math Expressions


HPS Student Link for Discovery Education (code needed)

Student Discovery Probes (need username and password)

Look below the links for directions to the game "Shut the Box."

MobyMax (East)      MobyMax (West)   MobyMax (Heights)    MobyMax (Jefferson)

             HPS Edmodo

Virtual Manipulatives for Number and Operations - all grades      

Virtual Manipulatives for Algebra - all grades                    

Bedtime Math (daily math problems for all ages)                                

Note: These links are intended to supplement the math curriculum. If advertisements are attached to the sites, ignore them. 

1st Grade
2nd Grade

Virtual Manipulatives for PreK-2

Virtual Manipulatives for PreK-2

JPW "Show Me" - number rings




XtraMath fact practice (you need your login)

addition facts - Math Magician




1st grade math book

Virtual Manipulatives for PreK-2

JPW "Show Me" - number rings

JPW ShowMe: Introduction/review of dot visualization system




XtraMath fact practice (you need your login)

addition facts - Math Magician

subtraction facts - Math Magician

2nd grade math book

Virtual Manipulatives for PreK-2

SmarterBalanced Calculator

JPW "Show Me" - number rings

JPW ShowMe: Introduction/review of dot visualization system


XtraMath fact practice (you need your login)

addition facts - Math Magician

Math Mountains


                                         Math probe for Mrs. Smith

Mr. Maffesoli (GLCE links)


same and different amounts

Mr. Maffesoli (GLCE  links)


worldwide math competition

Mr. Maffesoli (GLCE links)

worldwide math competition


ten frame activities

Shark Pool - place value blocks


shark numbers - place value blocks


count the dots              counting fish


How many?                   counting candles


Fuzz Bugs count and sort


Connect the dots 1-10


Connect the dots 1-20


Count to 100 (start 0-10)


Math Mountains

Connect the dots 1-10

Connect the dots 1-20

Connect the dots 1-30

Connect the dots 1-40

Connect the dots 1-50


Make values with base 10 blocks (N.ME.01.02b)


Shark Pool - place value blocks (N.ME.01.02b)


shark numbers - place value blocks


Dog Gone Bone - pv chart


100 number chart

1-100 number grid fireworks


Base ten bingo


Base ten fun


Comparing numbers raceway <, >, =


Math Vocabulary game

Math-a-Rama grade 2



Place Value

Shark Pool - place value blocks (N.ME.01.02b)

shark numbers - place value blocks

Make values with base 10 blocks (N.ME.01.02b)

 Place Value Board (expanded #s)

Dog Gone Bone - pv chart

#s to 20 Speedy Pictures - # combinations

 One False Move (order #s)








practice probe

Numbers-groups of things 1-10


save the whale number bonding

Subtraction (Kidport)


Balloon pop subtraction


Subtraction with Smarties JPW Screencast


A+ money    counting money   naming money

+/-, money, time  (arcademic)

number combinations: Find a Friend

Base 10 blocks


Missing numbers 1-12



Math Mountains


Addition with number sentences


Addition (Kidport)


save the whale number bonding


marble math addition


2-digit addition JPW "ShowMe"s

addition facts - Math Magician

save the whale number bonding

Links to +/- Facts (Kidport)

+/-, money, time  (arcademic)

catapult count on


+/-, money, time  (arcademic)


Fill in the missing numbers 1-12


Subtraction with Smarties JPW Screencast

subtraction facts - Math Magician

 Links to +/- Facts (Kidport)

+/-, money, time  (arcademic)

add and/or subtract to find a total: Rock Hopper

Matching Shapes

Matching numbers with their name

ten frame activities


parts of a whole: robopacker

Taller or Shorter


Kindergarten partner practice

Small(er) and Large(er)


Short(er) and Tall(er)


+/-, money, time  (arcademic)

telling time with words

reading a clockreading a clock

Kindergarten practice probe #1


Kindergarten practice probe #2


Kindergarten practice LA probe #1


Mrs. VanArk's Page


Math Expressions Teacher Login 

Short(er) and Long(er)


Light(er) and Heavy


Empty, Full, Less, More


Story Problems with Mrs. Meyer's 1st grade class


Math Expressions Teacher Login 


 identify fractions - cross the river

matching fractions

fractions shoot


Math Expressions Student Resources

Parent's Place grade 2

Math Expressions Family Resources (pilot)

Math Expressions Teacher Login 

                                                                                                                   Story Problems


3rd Grade

4th Grade and 5th Grade

3rd grade math book

Virtual Manipulatives for 3-5                              

After School with Mrs. Wallaker

KenKen online puzzles to solve

SmarterBalanced Training Test, Practice Test, Performance Task (choose grade level)

SmarterBalanced Calculator

4th grade math book, 5th grade math book

Virtual Manipulatives for 3-5

KenKen online puzzles to solve


SmarterBalanced Training Test, Practice Test, Performance Task (choose grade level)

SmarterBalanced Calculator

Story Problems

Two-Step Story Problem Probe

Mrs. Wallaker's Third Grade "Show Me"

JPW ShowMe: Introduction/review of dot visualization system

XtraMath fact practice (you need your login)


TenMarks math practice (you need your login)

Mr. Maffesoli (GLCE links)

Johnnie's Math Page

worldwide math competition




XtraMath fact practice (you need your login)

TenMarks math practice (you need your login)

Mr. Maffesoli (GLCE links)

Johnnie's Math Page

worldwide math competition




Place Value

JPW ShowMe: Visually represent 1-4 digit numbers

JPW ShowMe: 3-digit = ? tens

Learnzillion: Understand Value of digit in multi-digit number code: LZ1783

Place Value Board (expanded #s)

Make values with base 10 blocks

Shark Pool - place value blocks

shark numbers - place value blocks

Dog Gone Bone - pv chart

expanded to standard form

word form to standard form

Mrs. W's ShowMe rounding to nearest ten

Math Coach presents: Rounding to the Nearest Ten - You Tube

Sea Shell Rounding (2-digit)

Learnzillion: Round to the nearest 10 using # line code: LZ1786

type a number, then round


Mrs. W's ShowMe comparing numbers using the symbols <, >, =

RtI N.ME.02.02 compare numbers

RtI N.ME.02.03 Compare Numers Game

RtI N.ME.02.03 order numbers

One False Move (order #s)

number sequence

order multi-digit (larger) numbers

Math Facts:

 addition facts - Math Magician

subtraction facts - Math Magician

multiplication facts - Math Magician

division facts - Math Magician

arcademic: +/-/ x/÷/integers/fractions/ratios


choose the correct function


Place Value

Place Value Board (expanded #s)

Decimal and Whole Number Jeopardy

Place Value Strategy game (decimals)

RtI N.ME.03.03 Caterpillar slider for ordering numbers   (set min. to >900 and max. to 10,000)

 RtI N.ME.03.03 Compare numbers to 10,000 note: ignore any advertisement  - game starts when it is done : )


A+ money

money count

making change - fewest number of coins


A+ money

money count

making change - fewest number of coins


JPW ShowMe combinations of 10 card activity (5-9)

commutative property addition (+/- farm fields)

commutative property and distributive property - what are they?

Wallaker's Addition "Show Me"s

3.NBT.2 add and subtract using strategies and algorithms

addition facts - Math Magician

save the whale number bonding

Kakooma Addition - Greg Tang Math (6 game only) in each section, find the one number that is a sum of two others

Numskill - Greg Tang Math (1 game only) find three cards of different colors that form a fact family

ten frame activities

#s to 20 Speedy Pictures - # combinations

addition/subtraction fact families

Thinking Blocks - addition and subtraction

part-part-whole number bonds: space ships

+/- (arcademic)

Links to +/- Facts (Kidport)

Adding 2-digit numbers

catapult count on




commutative property and distributive property and associative property - what are they?

2-digit addition

3-digit addition (to 500)

Thinking Blocks - addition and subtraction

Addition Strategy Sheet by Mrs. Parent and Mrs. Wallaker


Subtraction with Smarties JPW Screencast

Wallaker's Subtraction "Show Me"s

    JPW ShowMe - Multi-digit subtraction from the LEFT 

    Subtraction: ungroup left to right and right to left 

3.NBT.2 add and subtract using strategies and algorithms

subtraction facts - Math Magician

addition/subtraction fact families 

Thinking Blocks - addition and subtraction

+/- (arcademic)

Links to +/- Facts (Kidport)

Subtracting 2-digit numbers



 2-digit subtraction

Thinking Blocks - addition and subtraction


JPW ShowMe - Multi-digit subtraction from the LEFT


multiplication facts - Math Magician

pumpkin multiples


Thinking Blocks - multiplication and division

commutative property and distributive property and associative property - what are they?

x/÷  (arcademic)

Multiplication (# to 12)


Kakooma times - Greg Tang Math in each section find the one number that is the product of two others

        Multiplication practice A 


3.OA.3 multiplication work problems Discovery Probe

3.OA.5 multiplication properties Discovery Probe


Multiplication (# to 12)

multiplication (factors to 100)

commutative property and distributive property and associative property - what are they?

Kakooma times - Greg Tang Math  find the one number that is the product of two other numbers.

Thinking Blocks - multiplication and division


4.OA.1 JPW ShowMe - multiplication comparison

4.NBT.B5 JPW ShowMe - 1-digit by 2-digit multiplication


4.NBT.5 Use an array to multiply a two digit number by a one digit number (code: LZ1875)

4.NBT.5 Use area models to show multiplication of whole numbers (code: LZ1876)

4.NBT.5 Use place value understanding to multiply three and four digit numbers (code: LZ1878)

4.NBT.5 multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit using the area model (code: LZ1879)

4.NBT.5 multiplying 1-digit by 3-digit number using the area model (code: LZ1877)

5.NBT.5 multiplying multi-digit numbers using an area model (code: LZ528)

5.NBT.5 multiplying multi-digit numbers using partial products (code: LZ529)

5.NBT.5 multiplying multi-digit numbers using standard algorithm (code: LZ530)


Khan Academy:

       multi-digit (2-digit up to 3-digit) multiplication using "standard" model

       multi-digit multiplication practice (with hints)

       multiplying decimals practice (with hints)


division facts - Math Magician

Thinking Blocks - multiplication and division

Division terms: dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder

x/÷  (arcademic)



Division terms: dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder

Thinking Blocks - multiplication and division

 least common denominator

greatest common factor

Divisibility rules

4th grade division student ShowMe (Mrs. Fuentes Class) A

4th grade division student ShowMe (Mrs. Fuentes Class) B

4th grade division student ShowMe (Mrs. Fuentes Class) C


4.NBT.6 Divide 2-digit dividends using friendly multiples (code:LZ1482)

4.NBT.6 Report Remainders as fractions (code: LZ1480)

4.NBT.6 Report Remainders a whole numbers by drawing pictures to decide whether to round up or down (code: LZ1481)

4.NBT.6 Divide 3-digit dividends (code: LZ1483)

4.NBT.6 Divide 4-digit dividends (code: LZ1484)




JPW ShowMe: lines and line segments

JPW ShowMe: Polygons

     pentagon/hexagon video

JPW ShowMe: Polygon - Quadrilaterals

     2-D practice probeA    2-D practice probe B     2-D practice probe C  2-D practice probe D

     2-D practice probe E   2-D practice probe F

     3-D practice probe A   3-D practice B

geometric elements

     perpendicular lines video   parallel lines video   parallel lines video on the street

shape recognition: Kangaroo Hop

2-D shape match - "Too Bad"

area practice

IXL area

area/perimeter practice


area practice
IXL area


Fraction overview Math Expressions

write a fraction, see a picture

name fractions: fraction pie

shade and name: bowling for fractions

comparing fraction using fraction bars

type two fractions, see a picture to compare them

comparing Fractions: Dirt Bike (you will need fraction comparing sheet)

compare fractions balloon pop

matching equivalent fractions

equivalent fraction shoot

equivalent fractions (Illuminations)

<, =, > comparing fractions - TENTHS, you will need manipulatives

Plot a Unit Fraction on a Number line (3.NF.2a) code: LZ1727

Identify a Fraction as a Point on a Number line by dividing the number line into equal parts (3.NF.2b) code: LZ1728

Identify a fraction as a point on a number line using area models (3.NF.2b) code: LZ1729

Plot Improper Fractions on a Number Line (3.NF.2b) code: LZ1730

Identify equivalent fractions using fraction models (3.NF.3a) code: LZ1731

Identify equivalent fractions using a number line (3.NF.3a) code: LZ1732

Identify equivalent fractions using fraction strips (3.NF.3b) code: LZ1733

Generate equivalent fractions using fraction models (3.NF.3b) code: LZ1734

Generate equivalent fractions using a number line (3.NF.3b) code: LZ1735

Express fractions equivalent to 1 using fraction strips (3.NF.3c) code: LZ1736

Express fractions equivalent to 1 using a number line (3.NF.3c) code: LZ1737

Express whole numbers as fractions (3.NF.3c) code: LZ1738



 fractions on a number line

mixed fractions on a number line

ruler fractions

JPW "ShowMe" Model Drawing: Fractions and Time (lunch)

JPW "ShowMe" Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions

JPW screencast Converting fractions greater than one to mixed numbers A

JPW screencast Converting fractions greater than one to mixed numbers B

JPW "ShowMe" multiply unit fractions using models (1/3 x 1/2)

Adding Unlike fractions, MathMammoth -YouTube

Understanding equivalent fractions, MathMammoth -YouTube

Multiply a whole number number by a fraction using area models (5.NF.4a) code: LZ1548

Multiply a fraction by a fraction using area models (5.NF.4a) code: LZ1549

Multiply a fraction by a fraction using area models lesson 2 (5.NF.4a) code: LZ1550

Divide unit fractions by drawing pictures (5.NF.7a) code: LZ130

Divide unit fractions by whole numbers by drawing a model (5.NF.7a) code: LZ1037

Divide by unit fractions using the number line (5.NF.7b) code: LZ131

Divide unit fractions by whole numbers using number line (5.NF.7a) code: LZ1038

Divide by non-unit fractions using the number line (5.NF.7) code: LZ132

Divide whole numbers by fractions using inverse relations (5.NF.7b) code: LZ134

Divide unit fractions by whole numbers using the multiplicative inverse (5.NF.7a) code



fractions on a number line

mixed fractions on a number line

fractions on a number line virtual manipulative (Math is Fun)

fraction quiz - choose type on left

ruler fractions

see equivalent fractions on a number line

matching mixed fractions

fraction quiz - choose type on left

equivalent fractions

see equivalent fractions on a number line

 Bounded Fraction Pointer (see help tab for directions)

Bounded Fraction Pointer (see help tab for directions)

fraction addition: fruit shoot level 1

fraction addition: fruit shoot levels 1, 2, and 3

Place Value Strategy game (decimals)

Decimal and Whole Number Jeopardy

fraction subtraction: fruit shoot level 1

fractions to decimals

fraction addition: fruit shoot levels 1, 2, and 3

fraction subtraction: fruit shoot levels 1, 2, and 3

reduce fractions

arcademic: +/-/ x/÷/integers/fractions/rations

fraction monkey - equivalent fractions


Mrs. Wallaker's "Show Me"s

Telling time using time sheet

Elapsed time within an hour, JPW tool: 3.MD.1 JPW showme

   Elapsed time across an hour, JPW tool: 3:MD.1 JPW showme

      Find the end time given the start and elapsed times, JPW tool: 3.MD.1 JPW showme

          Design your own elapsed time problems using playing cards, JPW "showme" 

Online timer

Time Conversion: Giraffe Dash

Time Words: Giraffe Pull


JPW Screencast: Measure to nearest inch

ruler fractions

 Fractions - check your work

reduce to lowest terms  

adding fractions

subtract two fractions

multiply two fractions

divide two fractions

comparing two fractions

comparing fraction using fraction bars

conversion between improper fractions and mixed numbers


Billy Bug grid coordinates

Video clip: Math Monsters, data collection and graphing

Video clip: bar graph

Video clip: making a bar graph

Video clip: bar graph with reef fish

3.MD.3 Data Displays A                  Data Displays B              Data Displays C

           Data Displays D                  Data Displays E              Data Displays F           Data Displays G

Decimal number lines 
Math Expressions Teacher Login 
Math Expressions Teacher Login 

Mrs Wallaker's Class Web Page: Wallaker World     jpwallaker's class weebly       Mrs. Wallaker's Kidblog

 Mrs. Schoettley's Wiki                   Third Grade Page - JPW                                Mrs. Blystra's Kidblog

                                                                                                                      Mrs. Coon's Kidblog


6th Grade and 7th Grade
future PREP IChallengeUth: information and application link - remember to have the email for a teacher recommendation - applications due May 30

6th grade math book 

7th grade math book

MobyMax (East)      MobyMax (West)

worldwide math competition

SmarterBalanced Training Test, Practice Test, Performance Task (choose grade level)

SmarterBalanced Calculator

Smarter Balanced Scientific Calculator

Smarter Balanced Scientific Calculator, Graphing, Regression

arcademic: +/-/ x/÷/integers/fractions/ratios

cool math games


KenKen online puzzles to solve

The Opposite of a Negative Number by Mr. Son

7.RP.1 Compute unit rates associated with ratios of fractions - Learnzillion

   using a tape diagram - code LZ2598

   using division - code: LZ2966

   using a rate table - code: LZ3061


10 x 10 coordinate grid paper (9 on page)

Delta Math Screener grade


Shut the Box


Materials needed:  9 or 12 playing cards, 2 dice


Directions for 9 card game:

1. Lay out the cards 1 through 9 in order, face up.

2. The first player rolls two dice and adds the total.

3. This player flips over any combination of numbers that add up to the total rolled on the dice.

For example, if a player rolls a 3 and 4, any combination of 7 can be turned over:

  • 7
  • 1 and 6
  • 2 and 5
  • 3 and 4
  • 1 and 2 and 4

Once a number is flipped over, it cannot be used again.

4. Player one continues until all numbers have been turned over (shuts the box), or a total is rolled that does not have a combination available.

5. Player one adds up the total of the remaining cards. If a player shuts the box, their score is Zero, and the other players must double their scores.

6. The remaining players follow the above steps. The player with the lowest score wins.


Directions for 12 card game

The same as above, but the cards 1-12 are used (jack = 11, queen = 12)

 JPW 2011

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