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1. Lay out the cards 1 through 9 in order, face up.
2. The first player rolls two dice and adds the total.
3. This player flips over any combination of numbers that add up to the total rolled on the dice.
For example, if a player rolls a 3 and 4, any combination of 7 can be turned over:
1 and 6
2 and 5
3 and 4
1 and 2 and 4
Once a number is flipped over, it cannot be used again.
4. Player one continues until all numbers have been turned over (shuts the box), or a total is rolled that does not have a combination available.
5. Player one adds up the total of the remaining cards. If a player shuts the box, their score is Zero, and the other players must double their scores.
6. The remaining players follow the above steps. The player with the lowest score wins.
Directions for 12 card game
The same as above, but the cards 1-12 are used (jack = 11, queen = 12)
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